So my latest development with my feet is cramping. You know when you curl your toes and they cramp up so hard you think your foot's going to be stuck like that forever while you writhe in pain. Nasty sons a bitches those cramps are. Well no we're to the point where I don't even have to curl my toes up to get them any more! Earlier to day I pushed my toes into my fantastic chair, mike calls it Stay Puff because it's so big and he hates moving it, and I got a god awful cramp.
The worst part about them is they are kind of like hitting your funny bone, it hurts but it also makes you laugh. Mike almost doesn't take me seriously when I get them because I'm giggling like a crazed maniac when I get them.
In other news, Ethan has found my ribs. People had be dreading this day and yes it is as uncomfortable as people describe it to be.
Holy crap! I probably should mention that Easter was amazing, Mike and I got engaged!! Yep he popped the question on Easter with a plastic egg. The story that goes along with it is hilarious (or so I think.)
We both have know practically since day one that we were going to be together forever. Our hearts just knew I guess. So there was no doubt in my mind that a proposal was due some time soon, I mean I'm carrying the man's child and lets face it why wouldn't he want to marry me? heh heh.. kidding.. sorta..
So Easter morning we're up, getting ready, and I'm complaining about how much I don't want to go to work on Easter... it was friggin B-E-A-UTIFUL outside and I was so mad I was going to be stuck in a crappy office doing nothing.
So I say to him... "you know what would be SUCH a cute proposal idea?".... ..... ... Nothing, no response, he just kept rinsing dishes in the sink.
The man's been blown up a few times while he was in the marine corps so I figured he just didn't hear me. So I said "did you hear me? or are you just choosing to ignore that statement" And he says "I heard you and I'm choosing to ignore" muahhaha
So I think nothing of it, I go to work and complain all day, and I leave early to go home. Wouldn't you know it, he had a little Easter egg hunt planned and the last egg had a beautiful ring in it. Ahh it was adorable and perfect and I loved it. Any way
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