Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sleeping feet

Welp, here she is, the third trimester. Ahhhh finally. For me, my body apparently got pregnancy all wrong. First trimester was a breeze; no morning sickness at all. I know, you hate me. I was tired but I could function for the most part through each day. The second trimester was nothing like people told me, I was more tired then than in the first. The energy and second wind never came, there was zerodrive to do anything.

The third trimester so far is bringing a lovely mixture of symptoms and feelings.

It started with the pelvic and hip pain. This is something I wish people would have mentioned to me. They all say that pregnancy can be "uncomfortable"... Uhh yeah... That's not what I'm feeling. I'm talking straight up, I can't get off the floor, PAIN. I was getting made fun of at work for me new found waddle, little did they know I was limping. Every step I took was agony in my hips. This was all due to stupid ligaments and the pelvis separating to get ready to shove a baby through. I sat on the floor one night to do my chalkboard and I Could. Not. Get. Up. I was stuck. Mike had to pull me up. Sitting up in bed was a nightmare, climbing out of bed was worse. I sleep with four pillows stuffed under various locations of my body now to help with the pain. Thankfully it has helped some but I still "waddle" a bit. Told the nurse about this at my 28 week checkup yesterday and all she had for me was "you're right on schedule then." Ugh.

Next, the heartburn. This I was well prepared for and educated on. "Heartburn during pregnancy means lots of hair on baby." I knew what I was in for, I've had heartburn before, nothing some Tums couldn't help with. WRONG! Even my trusty Tums have been ineffective against this heartburn. Bending over to pick something up off the floor has turned into a tricky little game in my body now, is the acid in my stomach going to fly up to my throat or stay put? So far off my diet list because of heartburn are hash browns, orange soda, tilapia, and possibly bacon. Get ready ladies, if you think you know heartburn, guess again, pregnancy gives you a whole new kind of heartburn.

The upside is that baby Ethan is as active as ever. I'm convinced he's trying to escape early. This boy has some kicks on him, oh man. I could watch my belly wiggle, stretch and jump all day long, I'm surprised he sleeps at all. He's had a couple kicks that have stopped me dead in my tracks so far.
Oh! And I finally experienced him pressing on the artery in my back and dropping my blood pressure on me. I was sitting at work minding my business when all of the sudden an intense "I'm about to faint" feeling washed over me. I immediately put myself on the floor with the pillow I use for lumbar support just in case. Moving around seems to help get the blood moving again and made the faint feeling pass. It was definitely scary, but apparently quite normal. I now know why they tell you not to stay on you're back for long periods of time.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely know that I have it a lot easier than many women out there who are pregnant. And I am so so so grateful to be even able to experience these changes. I think the third trimester has some nasties in store for me though.

I swear, if I could figure out how to get these pictures to line up nicely, it'd be a miracle. You get the point.

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