About Me

My name is Crystal Armstrong, soon to change in September when I marry the man I want to drive crazy for the rest of his life.

I was born and raised in Central New York, small town USA.

My fiancé Mike and I had our first child together on July 6th, a little boy named Ethan. He was 6 days overdue, that was super fun! Not. But we are so glad he is finally here. He has a 6 year old, firecracker, strong willed daughter of his own that we have physical custody of.

Our life and relationship has been full of ups and downs, crazy, unconventional nonsense. Nothing we do is by the books. We took a flying leap into our relationship and we have been flying by the seat of our pants since.

We still live in small town, USA in a cute little townhouse with two, yes two, flights of stairs. Pregnancy and stairs really do not mix. We technically have three dogs and a cat, but we say we have two Labradors, a shi-tzu that is basically a cat, and another cat. Someday when we finally settle into the careers we are supposed to have in a state that is not New York we will buy a fantastic house. For now, we're stuck and that's ok too.

My dream is to have a big farm house in the rolling hills of Virginia close enough to the coast that I can make a day trip to the beach anytime I want but not so close that I deal with tourists constantly. I want a little teeny tiny farm with goats, the kind that faint when their scared so I can start my day right by walking outside and scaring my goat so he faints. How do you have a bad day after something that funny? I want a couple chickens so I don't have to bug Mike to go to the store when I use the last one. I would have a cow but I don't want to milk it and I definitely don't want to see it get butchered for meat so that's up in the air. I feel like it's not a real farm without a cow. I want sheep just because they're cute and fluffy but I honestly have no idea what purpose they serve other than being lawn mowers.

Ultimately I want a place to raise my children the way I was raised; outside, enjoying the beauty of life and nature. Not with excessive media, video games, and laziness. I want my kids to understand respect for their elders, the benefits and need for hard work, and having a sense of pride and independence, while still maintaining a healthy sense of sarcasm  and humor, since that is basically the only way I know how to communicate!

I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts about my life and my family, and if you don't, well, go find a more boring blog to read.

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