Friday, March 14, 2014

Worse than the man cold...

The pregnancy cold. What. A. Bitch.

So to recap, I have been working my ass off at work for the past ohhhhhh three months because my partner in crime full time day shift person quit on me. She left me to die here. So I've been here doing the work of three people because my part timer needs so much babysitting it's like not having any help at all. We finally hired a new full time person last week and lucky for me he doesn't start for another week and a half. Basically, this cold was bound to happen just based on all the crap I've been putting up with. So here I am.

Sunday night I get home from work after another longggg event at work, I plop my ass on the couch and I fall asleep. I wake up around ten at night with my throat literally on fire and full of razor blades... Ok maybe not literally but damnit it sure felt real.

"I think I'm getting sick" I tell Mike. Sure as shit, I wake up the next day a complete clogged, stuffy, runny, gross, sick mess. My throat hurts, I'm sneezing every ten minutes, and walking around with my box of tissues. Plus! I had to get a flu shot that day, YES! The guy giving me my shot lies and says I shouldn't feel any pain, and it shouldn't get red or puffy. Jerk. It did all of those things.

I walked into my appointment with my OB later that day and informed the nurse I got my stupid flu shot and I have a cold. She asked me not to share my cold and proceeded to do my vitals. What the frig man, can't a fat chick get a little sympathy?

The baby is doing fine through my cold though, but I think my coughing is really pissing him off, he kicks me way harder now. Poor guy.

So today is day five of the cold from hell, it started on my "weekend" for work, I called in for two days, and went back to work today feeling just the slightest bit better. I should have called in.. Ugh. I don't get paid enough.

The best part about a pregnancy cold, you can't really take any medicine to help alleviate some symptoms. Sure they say sudafed or tussen is safe enough but not me, no meds here. I'll just sit here and burn through gallons of water and OJ.

Also, when your sinuses are all jacked up you know what happens? You sneeze a lot. Like multiple times in a row. And what is one of a pregnant woman's biggest fears? Sneezing. Why? Because we have less control over our bladder and all its muscles. Yeah, awesome times. I've taken to crossing my legs and squeezing as hard as I can when I feel a sneeze coming on. I'm telling you, there is nothing funny about that forth sneeze. NOTHING!

Oh and! Did you know that if your sinuses get packed up enough it can make your teeth hurt? Yep, thanks a lot body, that's just what I needed. Apparently your sinuses run so close to the nerves of your molars that a nasty cold or sinus infection can actually make you feel like all of your teeth are about to fall out of your head at any moment. Enjoy.

I am so looking forward to kicking this cold soon so I can get back to just feeling like pregnancy shit, not pregnancy cold shit.