So to recap.
Baby is heallllllthyyyy! Oh and it's A BOY!
I'm still just a little shocked about this. The whole pregnancy so far when people would ask what I thought I was having I would say I had no idea. When we went in and I'm laying there with the shittiest view of the ultrasound in the room I was thinking the whole time that the tech was going to say girl. Then she nonchalantly raddles off "Boy. Penis, scrotum" just like that and points to the screen where I see nothing at all because I'm seeing it upside down practically. Ugh. Then he proceeded to sit on his feet the rest of the time. Brat.
I couldn't believe she said boy.
So we went out and bought some black balloons and blue and green tissue paper and hole punched the bajezzzus out of it to make confetti and filled the balloon. Originally I was going to take a cool series of photos of the balloon popping over my head but I was worried we'd miss it or it would look like crap and I'd have to fill the balloon all over again. No thank you. So we took a video instead for everyone to watch. And even though I knew the balloon pop was coming, I still screamed.
What a wuss. Click for Baby gender reveal video
But it was fun, we made a confetti mess every where and even got some all over my poor little shi tzu. And everyone seemed to love the idea.
Next it was baby name time. I had girl names out the wazoo, girl names are easy. Boy names, not so much.
So we made little poll out of the chalkboard that week after we came up with four names. Only two of which we actually agreed on. We wanted to see what everyone else liked but we weren't actually taking their opinions into consideration, sorry guys! It made it really fun though! The four names were Emmett, Ethan, Logan, and Hunter. The funny part is the first three names were ones we had talked about. Hunter I just threw on their last second when I was writing the board. Wouldn't you know it, most of the votes went to Hunter! I was shocked again! I just threw it on their because it's a masculine name and I thought people would think Mike suggested it. Very few people chose our name but we did have a couple that guessed it dead on with a middle name, so that was pretty cool!
So what is baby's name?
We have on our hands a little Ethan Michael. :-) My mother is so proud of herself for suggesting the middle name.
The best part is now I can look back after he's born and see who liked the wrong names and shun them! "No you can't hold him, you hate his name!"haha juuuuust kidding... Kinda.
Since then little man has been a kicking machine, jabbing me in the stomach every chance he gets. It's really cool, and really distracting all at the same time. When he starts kicking while I'm at work I find myself pausing whatever I am doing to feel the kicks.
Now that we know he is a he, we were able to get a crib, stroller, swing, and pack and play. So all our big items are DONEZO! We finally have an apartment with three bedrooms so I finally have a nursery that I can "nest" in. Yay!
Now that life is settling down just a little I feel like I can relax and enjoy this even more.